Fields of Work
1. waste management
- organic waste treatment from the sectors
of business and trade, household, public gardens and
- composting plants (technology transfer and
engineering) from 10.000 t/a to 50.000 t/a
- biogas plants (technology transfer and
engineering) from 10 kW to 800 kW
- projection and development of highly
automated, completely capsuled composting plants for
municipal organic waste.
2. soil ecology
- soil-zoological examination of most important
- groups of animals inhabiting the soil (soil fauna)
groundwater regime, wastewater balance
- soil mineralization processes
- examinations of microbiological processes (CO2
production, enzymatic activities).
3. soil reclamation
- soil recultivation projects
- biological sanitation of soils contaminated with
hydrocarbons - "composting of contaminants" (on
site, off site)
- investigations of different organic substrates as
potential sources for biological decontaminations
- laboratory reactor experiments for the prediction of
possible measures in the field of biological remediation
of soils.
4. soil exploration
- soil sampling for biological examinations, monitoring of
contaminants etc.
- analysis of soil physical factors (structure and type of
soil, particle size analysis, pore volume, water
permeability - kf, groundwater etc.).
5. laboratory analyzing capacity
- all types of investigations connected with the soil
(nutrients, contaminants, physical factors,
microbiological factors).
One of the main areas of work of the Bodenökologisches
Labor Bremen GmbH is the whole field of composting. The
company is directing the scientific attending of the successful
composting plant of the Waste Drainage Departement of the City of
Bremen and several other plants in the region of Northwestern
Germany, and the composting projects of the Horticuture
Department of the City of Bremen. Through these activities the
Bodenökologisches Labor Bremen GmbH covers the engineering
projecting of composting plants as well.
The staff consists of :
- Dr. rer. nat. (head of management)
- Dipl.-Biol. (project management)
- Dipl.-Ing. Environmental technology
- Analytical chemist (lab management)
- Chemical assistent
- Technical assistent
- Temporarily, further collaborators are engaged (Dr.
agrar. (project management), 2 Dipl.-Biol. and 2
Technical assistents).